Table of contents

Getting started

The installation is quite easy:

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Fill title & description, configure menu, etc
  3. Run

Firstly, you need to clone the repository:

git clone

Create docs-config.local.yaml for your docs configuration:

touch docs-config.local.yaml

You can leave this file empty in order to use default configuration. You can also override some configuration properties. For configuration properties documentation follow this page.

You should have node.js version later than 16 and yarn on computer. Then run following commands

yarn install yarn start

Create docs-config.yaml for your docs configuration:

touch docs-config.yaml

You can leave this file empty in order to use default configuration. You can also override some configuration properties. For configuration properties documentation follow this page.

You should have docker and docker-compose on your computer. Then you need to run following commands:

version: "3.2" services: docs: image: ports: - environment: - APP_CONFIG_auth_password=codex volumes: - ./uploads:/usr/src/app/uploads - ./db:/usr/src/app/db - ./docs-config.yaml:/usr/src/app/docs-config.yaml
docker-compose up

Open http://localhost:3000 and check that everything works fine.

Then you can see this page: